At a Glance | 2023 Statistics


LINC’s Permanent Supportive Housing initiative combines affordable housing with support services to address the multifaceted needs of individuals with legal, substance use, and mental health challenges. Designed to foster independent living skills and facilitate access to healthcare, treatment, and employment services, the program supports clients until they are ready to transition into permanent housing with a customized plan for sustained success.

Permanent Supportive Housing: Statistics (at April 2024) 
  • 12 total clients served since receiving funding from the county (11 active at the end of the first quarter) 
  • 58.3% Male, 41.7% Female
  • 50% Caucasian, 25% African American, 8.3% Native American, 8.3% Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 8.3% Multi-Racial.
  • Clients served ranged in age from 21-61, with the most popular age range being 40-50 years old (38.5%).
  • 66.7% of clients had histories of Substance Use Disorders.
  • 41.6% of clients had histories of Opioid Use Disorder with that being their primary diagnosis.
  • 66.7% of clients had histories of Mental Health diagnoses.
  • 84.6% of clients participated in some kind of education or training course while in the program.
  • 100% of clients were able to maintain some kind of income (i.e. employment, disability) while in the program.
  • The average time spent at our residencies was 473.3 days, or 1 year and 108 days (about 4 months) overall.
  • Last quarter, clients stayed an average of 81 out of the 90 days at our residencies considering the 2 exits that occurred
  • 100% of the clients who reported SUD histories maintained sobriety based on UA test results. All active clients tested negative on their most recent UA test.
  • 100% of clients fulfilled their rent payments, with only 23% of active clients having to defer to late payments which were then accepted to complete their full payment.