Linc, Inc. Believes in


The 2025 Milestones Gala will be Thursday, February 20, 2025, so mark your calendars now!

Celebrate LINC, Inc.’s 25th Anniversary at a very special event – the 2025 Milestones Gala. This year, our traditional Milestones dinner will be extra in every way: a dazzling keynote speaker, a dance-worthy band, buffet dinner by Chef Keith Rhodes of Catch, open limited bar with MisterBartender, and, of course, acknowledgement of our program graduates and inductions into the LINC Society.


Former NFL Player Cecil Collins to Keynote Milestones Gala: “A Life of Faith, Football, and Redemption”

Cecil Collins is a man of God whose remarkable journey is defined by resilience, faith, and a passion for youth empowerment. After spending 13 years in prison, Cecil emerged with a renewed sense of purpose, dedicating his life to spreading the message of hope and salvation threw the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Before his trials, Cecil was a standout athlete. He made history as the first-ever Mr. Football in Louisiana, showcasing his extraordinary talent as a running back. His impressive career continued at LSU, where he left an indelible mark, and later with the Miami Dolphins, earning recognition as a record holder for rushing yards in high school football in the state of Louisiana. Cecil’s inspiring story was captured in the Emmy-winning documentary “Cecil vs. The Diesel,” available on YouTube, which chronicles his journey from the football field to personal challenges and ultimately to spiritual awakening… read more


Buy tickets or become one of our valued sponsors

LINC 25th anniversary graphic

We Believed, so We Built It

With proper support, guidance, and social networking, individuals returning from incarceration can contribute great value to the community.

Our efforts to provide supportive services and programs are centered around the Residential Re-Entry Program at the M. E. Roberts Transitional Campus. LINC, Inc. provides transitional housing, job training, educational opportunities, substance abuse treatment, and health and medical services.

linc fiscal year stats

A Success Story for JULY 2024

“I want to start by saying that the LINC Program is a wonderful program for people who are struggling with life financially, mentally or any kind of hardship that life is taking them through. Latonya Rivers has been a great mentor for me when I needed her the most! I just want to say thank you for your phone calls because sometimes you just need someone to call and talk without judgment, or just hearing a different tone on the phone. Thank you so much for being by my side and helping me get through a difficult situation. God sent you to me when I needed you the most and I will never forget that! From my family to you, thanks again for everything and I hope that the next person or family will have the same experience as I did with you!” – Valencia G.

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Build Better Communities by Making a Gift Today

LINC BLOG: News, Updates, and Articles

Veteran Incarceration Rates and Benefits
LINC 25th anniversary graphic
2024 Appreciation of Donors


Structured Enrichment

Serving African American Youth

Our goal is to encourage a change in thinking that in turn influences behavior. Ultimately, through the LITE Manhood Program, LINC, Inc. is working to “break the cycle of crime.”

Thinking + Feeling = Character/Behavior/ Problem

Our Valued Partners

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nc coalition to end homelessness linc inc nc partner organization
ymca wilmington nc linc inc nc partner organization
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gateway landing linc inc nc partner organization
good shepherd linc inc nc partner organization
gospel rescue mission linc inc nc partner organization
hire alternatives linc inc nc partner organization
nc community health center assoc linc inc nc partner organization
nc dept county health dept linc inc nc partner organization
nc dept health and human services linc inc nc partner organization
open gate linc inc nc partner organization
duke medicine linc inc nc partner organization
a helping hand of wilmington partner organization
alcoholics anonymous linc inc nc partner organization
cape fear housing coalition linc in nc partner organization
blue ribbon commission linc inc nc partner organization
cape fear community college linc inc nc partner organization
cape fear literacy council linc inc nc partner organization
coastal care counseling linc inc nc partner organization
coastal horizons linc inc nc partner organization