The RFQ has Closed. Thank you for your interest in this important project.

RFQ # 01
I. Introduction
Leading Into New Communities, Inc. (“LINC”) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. LINC currently operates the L.I.T.E. Manhood program—a structured enrichment program designed for African American males to reduce barriers in education and/or employment. In 2021, the Wilmington City Council approved LINC’s request to acquire former Wilmington Fire Station 3, located at 3933 Princess Place Drive. LINC desires to renovate and redesign
the former fire station and create a residential academy for twelve young men between the ages of 15-18. The Hisan Polk Transformation Academy will provide education services for high school or GED completion, construction and/or technical training certificates, and general life training skills to its residents for 14 months.
Accordingly, LINC is soliciting qualification submittals from a highly qualified architect (“Respondent”) to provide design services for the renovation of 3933 Princess Place Drive.
II. Submission Deadline and Method
Responses to this RFQ must be received on or before 3:00 P.M. EST, Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
Submit Statements of Qualifications by mail in a sealed envelope properly marked “RFQ #01 Design Services 3933 Princess Place Drive Renovation” and addressed to:
LINC, Inc.
Attn: Frankie Roberts, Executive Director
P.O. Box 401 Wilmington, NC 28402
Respondents submitting their qualifications statements are asked to submit five (5) copies of the complete statement of qualifications along with one (1) electronic copy.
Clearly indicate the Respondent’s name, address, email, and phone number on the outside of the envelope containing the Statement of Qualifications.
The successful Respondent must have the capability of receiving and submitting all documents in an electronic format. Also, the successful Respondent must have Internet access for browsing and receipt of electronic documents via email.
Statements of Qualifications received after the time and date for closing will not be accepted.
Schedule of RFQ issuance and receipt are as follows:
RFQ Publication: Friday, July 26, 2024
Deadline for Questions: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 by 4:00 PM EST (Send questions by email to
Answers to Questions: Monday, August 19, 2024
Deadline for Receipt of Statement of Qualifications: Tuesday, August 27, 2024 by 3:00 PM EST
Additional instructions and complete requirements for submitting an RFQ may be obtained in the full RFQ (link to PDF below).
LINC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Statements of Qualifications and to make the award which will be most advantageous to LINC. The selected Respondent will represent the best value for LINC, combining price, qualifications and proposed scope of work.