The LINK | News & happenings from LINC, Inc. | December 2019
A passion for compassion
“When we have an opportunity to shed a light on another person’s challenges and pain, and to shed a light of compassion, and information, and better policy, then we should take that opportunity,” says Kim Cook, LINC board chair.

Kim’s passion for both criminal justice reform and compassionate reentry connected her with Amanda Knox, who will be keynote speaker for the 2020 Milestones Dinner.
Read more about Kim’s belief in the work of the LINC staff and leadership here: Kim Cook: on Amanda Knox, reentry services, and social justice advocacy.
Capable new hands tending the Urban Farm

Bill Warren joins LINC, Inc. as Urban Farm manager, with more than 35 years of farm management experience. He was formerly manager at River Bluffs Organic Farm, and currently oversees an extensive community garden project.
Bill is filling the Urban Farm calendar with projects, from clean up and repairs, to building and planting. Depending upon current tasks, Bill says that the Urban Farm needs donations of construction waste, including treated and untreated lumber, shingles, pipe, soil, and more. “Reuse, recycle, and repurpose is our goal,” he says.
Contact Bill by email, or call him at 910.390.2813 to see if LINC can help you save dump fees, be kind to the environment, and provide the farm with materials for projects that build skills and increase productivity.

Mark your calendar
Monday February 3 6-9 pm | 2020 Milestones Dinner, Hotel Ballast, Wilmington. In addition to celebrating the successes of our residents, the 2020 event will mark the 20th anniversary of LINC, Inc. Sponsorship and ticket information available online here.

Think about this as you celebrate the holidays with your family:
One of every 12 American children, more than 5.7 million kids under age 18, have experienced parental incarceration at some point during their lives. – The Sentencing Project, “Families and Mass Incarceration,” Kara Gotsch, April 24 2018
Dates & acknowledgements to celebrate!
Thank you to Saltbox Community Church for providing Christmas Stocking gifts for MER residents and Saturday morning fellowship.
Bill Warren has joined LINC, Inc. as Urban Farm manager.
Linda Thomas, Lead Case Manager, celebrates 5 years with LINC, Inc. on Dec 29.
William Hennessee has been promoted to Case Manager. William has been employed with LINC, Inc. one year as of Oct 18.